Friday, July 19, 2013

Bioshock Infinite Review

It's no secret that out of every game that was coming out this year I was only truly excited for one precise game: Bioshock Infinite. And it did not disappoint!

It's true, other games this year have surprised me a lot, like Last of Us and State of Decay. Bioshock Infinite also surprised me, not because it did really well but because it went beyond expectations.  This is especially surprising since this game has been delayed for quite a while, and usually long delayed games turn up for the worse (like Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens Colonial Marines, etc.). It's a good thing that Infinite proved that long delayed games, when for good reasons, can be worth the wait.

Don't expect much information about the story, I don't want to spoil anything and there's a lot that can be spoiled when it comes to the story of this game. I will say however that the story is not exactly connected to the original Bioshock games, even though one factor of the game will make you want to play the other ones! While the original games take place in the 60's, Infinite takes place in the very early 1900's, 1912 to be exact, where you travel to the floating city of Colombia to save save a girl locked in a tower that's protected by a giant mechanical flying monster.

You soon learn about why the girl was locked in the tower, the ruler of Colombia's true intentions, and so much more that I really can't say too much about. Easily the best part of the entire game is indeed the ending, which will be talked about among gamers for years to come!

 The gameplay may seem quite generic for an FPS, and while for the most part it is an FPS there is still much more to it. For example, the Sky hook is as useful of a grapple device as it is a deadly melee weapon. Probably the only truly gory moments of the game is when you shred a guy's face up close and personal! Another aspect is the use of vigors. Vigors are like the new plasmids for this thrid game, the vigors allow you to have multiple powers that come to good use throughout the game. Some people have complained that the vigors are useless and more of an add-on since no other enemy uses vigors, while I can also see that fact I can't help but wonder how the enemy crow people had crow powers and how the fire enemies had fire powers.... just a thought.

Again, 1. the character you love 2. the character you hate 3. the character you don't care for and 4. the character you never really think about until they do something crazy.

The character I definitely loved, as with many people, is Elizabeth. When the creators said this girl helps out she really helps out! I'm pretty sure it's why 1999 mode is quite playable in a non stressful kind of way. She has the ability to throw you ammunition, Salts (for Vigors), and even some money for ya when you visit a vending machine. She also opens "tears" to bring in helpful supplies and allies. The character Booker Dewitt is also an excellent character, especially when you consider the fact that he's in first person perspective throughout the game (fun fact: he and Joel from Last of Us are voiced by the same guy!)

The character I absolutely hated was Jeremiah Fink. Fink is basically the Main villain, Comstock's, right hand man who develops all the inventions and machines in Colombia. The reason why I don't like him is because he really got to me during some troublesome moments for me, and not in a good way. Really the only cool thing Fink should get get consideration for is for his involvement in creating the Songbird (another cool character worth mentioning).

Daisy Fitzroy is a character I never really cared for, she is a good character for the role she had in the game and I don't hate her in the sense that her actions are quite understandable. However it was sort of a side-story aspect, something worth knowing to element the city but nothing that truly impacted the main story lore other than one part that didn't even really involve her. She's just another one of those characters that you try to get on your side which ends poorly. However her back story, though more implemented than shown, is quite intriguing for why Comstock hates her.

Comstock was another character I was sort of planning on not caring for from the start, mostly because I figured him to be another Andrew Ryan ripoff. However much like the Lutece twins he really surprised me when it came to the "Epic Finale" that makes the game become the mind blown extravaganza that it is! The twins also really surprised me, but their reveal is mostly through Voxophones (audio recorders) and other segments that you find throughout the game, at least things that better reveal their role, agian, then it comes to the ending.

Now would the Songbird be considered as a "Character" or is it just a creature that's awesome but not exactly a "Character"? Because if so maybe this character would also be put in my favorite category. The songbird is very similar and based off the designs of the Big Daddies from the original Bioshock, but instead of being generic creatures that guard little sisters the Songbird is it's own man (or monster) and is the guardian, protector, and friend of Elizabeth. What's really cool about him (it) is his dedication to find and save Elizabeth, not only because it's the job but because they really are friends. I only wish that there was more of him (it) in the game...

Graphics are greatly improving nowadays. This game is another example of good to amazing graphics. I really liked how they detailed the wood in the game (yes, I like the wood in this game). And I also liked how many of the mechanical stuff whether enemy or other looked as well.

It's probably not the best looking game of this year, Cause Last of Us took that thrown, but it can easily be second runner up!

I always make a weird final thing to base a game after. While Last of Us was determined by scare factor, Infinite will be determined by fan impact. Bsically the decision is by what fans of the original took from this game.

In short, the fans liked it mostly due to it going beyond expectations and surprising the living hell out of them in the process. While the game might not be as creepy or shocking as the first time you ever play the first Bioshock level of the original, it still had a really strong story and the ending is truly where the shock value is found. Heck, I know of many people who like Infinite a thousand times more than the original!

Like I said before, the ending is the one thing about this game that will definitely be talked about for years to come. So many possibilities, so many conclusions to think of, so many answers...

I would love to say that this game was my game of the year for 2013, it almost was if it weren't for the major impact that was Last of Us. Fortunately this WAS the only game I was originally excited for in 2013, the game still managed to really impress me as of fan of the franchise and also went beyond fan expectations. The ending was something that will stick to gamers for years to come.

9.0 / 10

It is still one of the really good games to come out this year and is most definitely worth your time and money! Sure Last of Us might of overshadowed this game a little, but even this game still has a the will to keep fighting for the game of the year thrown. Even non-fans of the franchise will absolutely love this game for what it is, Geoff is living proof of that!

Next review will be from Taylor for Injustice: Gods Among Us and hopefully it will be online soon. I'm going to try and get Geoff to write a State of Decay review too...

Until Next time...

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