Friday, September 12, 2014



Our Mega Pokemon page has finally been updated once again! This time we are officially up to date with all currently known Mega's so far. We also included the new Primal forms of Groudon and Kyogre as well.
Check it out NOW!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Devolutions!? Gamefreak Please!

Check out the little dumb post at!

Our Mega Poke Page Mega Update

Three new Mega evolutions were revealed yesterday. This means that our Mega Pokemon page has been updated! We will update again once better quality pictures come out. Check em out HERE!

NOTE: we did not include the new Groudon and Kyorge forms since they are supposedly a new method...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Our Pokemon page Updated!

The ever growing page about all "Main Entry" Pokemon handheld games has been updated. Following the reveal of the next games in the series! Remakes of Ruby and Sapphire! Come check out the page HERE!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

GBP Episode 13: "The End and a New Beginning" available now!

The very last, long awaited, episode 13 of the original GeekBeerz podcast series!

We ended it with discussion of what's been going on, our plans for the future, what to expect and information about the next new podcast series!

Thanks for being with us for so long, and we hope you continue your support while we transition to a (dot)com and new podcast!

Download this episode here, or listen to it over at!

GBP page was also updated as well, go check that out if you want.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Upcoming Episodes in the Taylor Games Or Die series:

Keep a lookout for these next planned episodes in the series:

Episode 3: Outlast - Final Thoughts

Episode 4: InFamous Second Son

Episode 5: Infamous Second Son (again)

Episode 6: Infamous Second Son - Final Thoughts

Episode 7: Earth Defense Force 2017