Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quite Obvious: Iron Man is Boss! New Poster and Trailer out on March 5th!!!

Nerds, prepare thy selves. It is time to see one of the coolest posters for a Marvel film that we have ever seen thus far!
Usually Marvel has had a hard-ish time trying to make posters of their films that impress moviegoers and fans. Quite a few disliked the posters advertising the Avengers back before that came out (which obviously didn't affect the Billion dollar making movie's success) but finally we have a poster that not only reveals all sorts of awesome, but it also makes those poster whiners shut up for once (seriously, these guys actually think posters affect the actual film).

With the rumors of what happens in the next and final new trailer for the film, which comes out March 5th, this poster actually helps those rumors to be well... true. Rumors about the next trailer will reveal the infamous Iron Legion, which is basically all of Tony Stark's suits, fighting the entire Mandarin army, how freaking cool does that sound!? Now considering that the newest Iron Man armor is the Mark 47, that means the possible legion will be a 46 man army! (I'm including War Machines suit too since he has the new patriot suit now). What armors can we expect to see though? Well maybe this very recent image will give you an idea:
These suits have quite the characteristics to each one. Assuming that this pictures is legit, which seems to be the obvious case, then I cannot wait to see what each suit does in the potential epic showdown! We can clearly see the old Mark III, V, and War Machine suits as well as the new Mark 47. But what are all the other suits? Well the suit on the top left looks to have whip like things coming out of the hands, which could possibly a suit based after the same whip technology used by Whiplash in Iron Man 2! There will also be the long rumored Deep Space suit which can be clearly seen in the new poster. But here is also an image of it here:
Another believed suit is the HeartBreaker suit which just looks outstanding enough as it is!:
The final suit (below) has only been seen in this still image and is the most controversial suit on the net! This is possibly the Hulk Buster armor and it may very well be in the film and possibly part of Iron Legion. Not many people like this particular suit, actually quite a lot don't, and I can clearly understand why. But then again, it's not like we've seen it in action yet! So if it is real then I'll hold my breath until more stuff about it comes along:
I bet everyone else who knows Marvel better can tell us what all the other suits might be, but what kinds of suits / what suits does anyone else want to see in the third and possibly final Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man film?

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