Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New gameplay videos! Official for every week!

GeekBeerz is doing something rather different' but rather fun for all of us. We are making constant gameplay videos for Youtube!

Now for everyone to understand, these are not exactly playthroughs or walkthroughs (whatever they're called). We do not play the same games continuously unless we have to, and we aren't exactly fond of the whole "face cam" thing that so many Youtube gamers feel the need to do. Instead we edit our videos to only show either our funniest or favorite moments in that specific game we play. However, if the game is rather short we'll will actually play a walkthrough of it (like we did with our Eversion videos).

We plan on releasing at least up to two videos a week, not including weekends, and each video will be of an entirely new game. So far we have three videos out of our gameplays of F.E.A.R., Bioshock 2, and Minecraft. Check them out below!

Most of the games we play will be short or long videos depending on the amount of stuff we liked in the gameplay we found. anyone can give us requests for games to play by choosing on our polls, commenting here or commenting on the actual Youtube comments. We hope everyone will appreciate what we're doing

1 comment:

  1. The minecrft one was the best, i also liked Taylor in the bioshock one not just because i love bioshock but because taylor is at his best there!
