Friday, August 16, 2013

Should our TOP 5 thing be as Videos or part of the Podcast?

Yep, still no Podcast for our new Podcast thing (blame Geoff), however the new series still needs tweaks and preparation until we can actually do it.

One of our new things is GBP's Top 5. The new thing speaks for itself, it's where we each individually give our own top five favorites from a platoon of topics, whether it be Superheroes, Villains, Food, Comedy films, Sci-fi epics, Games, Books, and many other things.

While we were going to intentionally do it in our first episode, we are now wondering if it would actually work in our podcast at all. But we would love to do it so how exactly can this work.

Then it hit me, we can start making videos about it! The last time we made videos we had a good time, until I made one stinker and the whole idea came crashing down... for me anyways. But what if we did something new? Something easier to make work?

Please comment on the idea, we really do enjoy getting comments from you guys! I'll also try to put up a poll.

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