Monday, December 10, 2012

a STAT and GeekBeerz teaser for 2013

Here is a teaser for a secret project for a comic series in 2013, to celebrate our new GeekBeerz and STAT partnership:


  1. Pay no attention to

    You guys have greatt potential and I cant wait for what stat brings to the site :)

  2. Hey do you guys still takw questions? I actually have a few that I hope you guys cann answer in your next episode or retro

    First one is why has your member taylor been morre quiet in recent episodes? Why does he also miss quitr a few??? He does seem to be the funny guy of the team afteralll

    Also why has his back problem not been fully explained yet? You guys even promised to have him detail it soon but ep 11 difnt even have it!!!

    Tthis might have been answered before but why does it seem like tom does everything on thr site? I mean geoff usually does things and thet site drastically changes whenever shrew does something but still. Plus why doesn't Taylor do anything on the site at all??

    Last one. I have noticed differences between all of you guys in the episodes like how geoff hates lords of shadow and the others dont have a problem with it, or how tom gets defensive over bioshock when geoff or whoever talks negatively about itt. Or even how the only real gamws taylor ever plays is Batman ones. I guess what i am asking is if these differences ever affected your friendships in anyway or hve they even improved them?

    Please answer these in nect episode if you can and thanks

  3. Thanks for all the questions! I'll make sure we answer all of them on the next Retro. :)
