Thursday, July 5, 2012

New GeekBeerz video, PS Vita reveal

It may seem like we never care to put up videos and stuff, but in reality we have a major backlog of Videos in need of editing. Luckily, I was able to finish one.

This video is roughly two-three months old so it's not too terribly late. This one is similar to Shrew's 3DS review except that I was finally able to keep the Audio in it. While a little blurry and shaky around the edges, and having average audio,  it's a fairly decent video for what we're able to pull off.

This video was made when Geoff, Shrew, and I were already acting ridiculous for no reason. Bergy was unable to attend for being under house arrest.

Hopefully more videos will be on soon... [more videos are on Youtube, just type in GeekBeerzTAG]


  1. video is way too long, didn't watch, make your vids shorter

  2. Comon boyz lets see your faces <3

  3. i got one of those opening night, so awesome !!!!!

  4. good, but work on your presentation

  5. Amateurs, step up the quality if you want to be GOOD

  6. great great video! post more!
