Monday, June 25, 2012

Back with News...

Hello guys, it's a me, TOM!
I've been on a week long trip but now I'm back with good news.

On behalf of STAT, "TAD: the Total Achieving Dorks" will be released in August and brought to a major Publishing company!

Why do I bring this up here? Because GeekBeerz is part of it! Many of the ideas for the comic come from GeekBeerz members, so they had their part on it. So when it's available, and potentially published, it will be an official licensed product STAT and GeekBeerz respectively...

When made and published, the front and back covers will be presented with this GeekBeerz symbol:
BUT, it could be this symbol too:

What do I mean by this? It's for you all to decide!
Choose which logo you think will work best for when TAD is made and potentially published! You can choose by the poll to your right, or write your favorite in the comments. The new logo will be called "newbie", and the original logo will be called "classy".

Please take the time to decide, thank you! [to learn more about TAD, please visit STAT or ZA4M in the contributing sites]


  1. 1. The first one looks more prffofsional
    2. The second one looks like a ocmic book style more

    I DONT KNOW!!!!

  2. How dod you make these? THey're amazing! I espicially enjoy the top one, though you should make them in different colors.

    1. Thank you for the compliment! The top one took forever to make XD. as for the colors, I've tried different combinations (like green/orange, blue/orange, yellow/purple, etc.)but everyone seemed to like the blue and red more.
      As for how I made them, newbie was all on computer. The other one was hand drawn and colored, then put on the computer and painted with a black background, It was just a little idea that Geoff ended up really liking lol.

    2. No problme! Try adding another background other then black???

  3. comebine them bothinto one logo
