Monday, December 19, 2011

Pokemon's newly Announced game: Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition!

I expected the next game to be Gray version, Sherman expected the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire. But we got this..... uh....... wha!? A pokemon game with completley new gameplay and possibly a quest based story that's actually legit? Here's the teaser:

Apparently this takes place in a time long long before the events of red, blue, and yellow versions. If that's true then i have one question: Why is mewtwo there? wasn't he made in a lab during red, blue, and yellow era??? I guess a Psychic type could travel back in time or something.

So what does everyone think? Is this a good step for Gamefreak?

EDIT: Here's an english trailer with Youtube's new feature FREAKING SNOW!!!


  1. ... what the hell?

  2. Nobunaga ambition is an old RPG series game based on an old japanese franchise considered to be simulation games too.
