Monday, November 19, 2012

Introducing Mini Reviews!

I told you there were going to be changes, starting with the small ones. However this one is just to see how well we can all manage upon it.

Instead of doing small reviews for big brand titles for the PS3, 360, and Wii systems, we will be doing small reviews for games that are essentially smaller titles. This would include app games like Angry Birds or free pc games like Slender. It will work with the four of us here giving our own personal rating decisions per game and leaving you readers to determine if getting this small title is even worth it. (for example, if three out of four of the ratings have ratings below a 7 out of 10, you probably should not get).

Four games are already on the page titled Mini Reviews, with only ratings currently from me and Bergy (one technically by Geoff which was pretty much determined by him in one of our podcast episodes, but he can change it if he wishes to do so in the future).

The four of us will have the chance to put on as many games and place as many of our own personal ratings as we wish to, but you guys also have some say! Is there a smaller under the radar game that you would love for us to both play and give our personal opinions about? Feel free to throw one out in the comments whenever you want! We will gladly play any app, hindie, or free pc game that you all request, considering that our laptops and mobile devices are capable of playing them XD.

Until next time...

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