Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Geoff and Shrew leave for PAX on Thursday!

As mentioned two months ago, Geoff and Shrew are about to leave for PAX 2012 this upcoming Thursday. Wish them luck on their journey!

What to expect:
They leave Thursday morning and they're driving straight to Seattle from Salt Lake City, They are sure to get excellent coverage of everything they see and do. We won't be forcing them to post anything immediately, they may not post anything until they get back, but their adventure will be chronicled none the less.

As for me and Bergy, we have no real plans while they're away. School and stuff may be in the way, but perhaps we'll start our first GeekFlix podcast episode! It's possible that our Darksiders videos, GeekBeerz vs Cybertron part 2 video, and maybe even our planned Slender video too! The possibilities are... well... possible.

Until next time...

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